- why do I write? -

I find very little of what I say to hold much in the way of profoundness. I don’t write things down because I think I’m going to change the world. I do so for three, much simpler, reasons: first, I find solace in putting pen to paper - better: thumbs to screen - to the calmness and clarity it brings to my ever-anxious soul; second, to remind myself and others of things they probably already know and believe with the goal of projecting that feeling in a way that presents the subject as one that you can come to peace with; and three, I hope - perhaps out of vanity - that it will help those around me to better understand the individual I aspire to be and that it will thereby assist in bringing us closer together. I gain satisfaction from the moment where someone reads my words and thinks to themselves, “I gotchu, man” or maybe just a simple, “Oh yeah,” in agreement. I think I️ could learn to live happily with just that.


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