- vertigo -

I've been filling my pockets with nothing but moths and when I reach deep on down - surprise! - all I've found is the dust of a dream filled with nothing but steam built on wavering streams flowing towards nothing but emptiness busting my stomach, my soul, and all that I know is it's wrong and this path is so long that it's short 'cuz I spend all my time thinking they'll be more down the line 'til it's gone and it's withered and my baby's have children and I look back and see all that's become of me is a shadow soon lost and what was the cost but my life and my youth and all of the truth I once held in my heart but I'd never re-start and I'd never give up on the people, the times, and the memories lined in my brain, in my skin, maybe I didn't win and I sinned and I sinned but I met you and her and we laughed, saw the world, our emotions they stirred and they cried and they yearned and they grew and they eased and sometimes I'm so pleased with the way it all went and the days that I spent searching for something big to fill up my head and maybe I'll find it or maybe I'll wind up all withered and worn but I'll take all the scorn and I'll trade it for peace, my life is a lease and once it's paid off and I've weathered the losses I hope, crave, I ache that serenity takes me and sets me down softly on clouds made of moss tightly woven with sunshine so blinding I'm bursting and no longer thirsting but become luminous light so incandescent the sight of it rouses nostalgia but also the faith that this life is so great there's no reason to pine just keep walking your line and you'll get to the end, have no fear, don't relent, take a breath, take a breath, take a breath...


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