- i see you -

and then...this dove...

she swooped in and stole me and I didn’t know me as well as her eyes did, they stripped this disguised kid who hides from the world and she made me unfurl in the sun and the shine and she stopped me from lining my journal with pains, this gal re-ingrained my perception of self and what measures form wealth and she asked me to tell her things on which I dwell and she rang my doorbell ‘til I came and I answered, she tore down the plaster that bounded my soul and I don’t even know where she comes from, she sits, in the dark, eyes they squint, looking out on the sea, without anger, just free, no desire to flee, only patience she carries like a weight she is married to calm and serene unlike them, you, and me she dares not be stabbed by the egos that grab lives, she gives all she is to the people that live all around this woman, she lets them all in, I was there, had it all and she made me feel tall and so full and transformed and without any warn I was me and at rest and I’d beaten the test of creating self-worth and in me she gave birth to content in my heart and accepting that art isn’t in you or me it’s the thing that we see when we gaze to the sky and we know that our eyes fill with things we can’t grasp and it pulls down the mask that we’ve hung to so hard and...

what I mean is...

she flew in, and she stole me, and she broke me, and she replaced it all...

with more.

I see you.


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