Welcome to Shenzhen!

Welcome to Shenzhen!


It's a city on wheels and it's racing away

79' may seem close but it's far gone today

Out of sight, out of touch from what people here knew

No need to stop and ask, 'cuz we all know it's true


And in this crazy place where the world spins so fast

I sit and I wonder, who's keeping track?

Of what's being lost in the wake of all gain

Where all the time goes as the pandas are slain


Come take a walk through this city of sound

NYC, concrete jungle, ha, we scoff at that town

This is the place, the new free, no offense

In the Wild Wild East, where the streets have no end


The rules come and go and so do the people

Some souls are worthy but others too feeble

This view is mine and it's all from one steeple

And my steeple is high in the slums of Dongmen

Where all come to die, the men, women and children

It's the end of the earth and it's coming so fast

That even darkness and evil and death won't last


Our sin is convulsing and growing right now

I can hear it at night when cats start to meow

They scream and they screech out my window all night

If light were to shine it would be quite the sight

Scratching and clawing and gasping for air

In this hot China steam that my lungs cannot bear


But what does this mean for us ladies and gents?

Who take all that's given and hide in our tents

Is my life so sad why should I pretend?

I waste my days laughing, jaunting with friends


Am I too daunting? Perspective to bleak?

What do I want? For what do I seek?

What the hell, Shenzhen, have you done to me?

You're twisting and churning and chewing me up

And spitting me out on the curb like a mutt

The people are racing straight through me and past

And on to modernity, capital class


So why should I sit while the rest all grab more?

As the old creeps in Shekou keep feeding the whores

I drink tea at Mix C and through Guomao I tread

I skate free thru Laojie while I'm losing my head

Men working all day and all night for a dime

While I sit in my castle, eat food, and drink wine


Give it to me, I want it all now

And I won't stop, no sir, 'til I've scorched all the ground

I'll siphon and drain it all straight to my pockets

Suck all electricity out of the sockets

Then I'll turn and I'll run with the grandest of glee

And you, my dear friends, won't even know it was me... 


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