Hallow's Eve

Ladies and gentlemen, gather round

Lend me your ears and quiet down

We're about to depart, we're about to make way

Down a long, gloomy road being beaten by rain

For what you will see is quite hard to explain

And if you don't listen, you'll sure miss the train


You have come from afar and from near to arrive

At this humble abode to alter your mind

To waste away time and pretend you're alive

Before you return to reality time


You think you can come and then leave as you please

But the truth is you’ve lost it and can’t even see


But Darlings, don’t worry, you can trust me


Soon will appear a being from beyond

A man with whom I know you all share a bond

He revs and he reaches out from the shadows

And grabs onto souls who’ve forgotten what matters

He takes them away, never home can they turn

Despite all my efforts, nobody will learn


There is a man, scruffy face, massive hands, he wanders the forest at dusk

Black visor for eyes, zero face and surprise! He’s following you and your musk

Mischievous thing, stealing souls on a whim, haunting the people of town

He follows so close that you don’t even notice he plots to turn worlds upside down

He’s silent as fog and he loves playing god without any form of consent

He comes up so fast that the air turns to gas and you start to choke on your breath

You turn to run but he's quick as a gun...you’re fucked!


I can feel him back there as he lurks in the shadows

He waits for your invite to burst from the gallows

To swallow you up like a bird never born

Disappear in the night, no corpse to mourn


Welcome to the dark with that Hallow’s Eve spark

The heavy complacency leaving its mark

Is growing and holding you frozen in place

Never before have you felt away waste

The time you so cherish that makes life so great


Sometimes, we grow spite for the path that is set

Run into the forest on a foolhardy bet

Hoping our call will be answered with pleasure

All the while feeling death twisting its tether


And in that moment, you’ll know you have lost

Some things that for which you have frightfully fought

Your thoughts and your dreams and your senses in all

The truth is they're all crashing down as we fall

As one possessed family into the dark

This is most important, I beg you all...hark!


Return to the sunlight that makes your brain hum

The smell of sweet perfume that makes your nose numb

That feeling of warmth when you take down good rum

Leave this cursed place, you should never have come


I know I am speaking of things you can’t fathom

You think that I’m crazy, my mind’s become maddened

But head me, I dare you, take to the tunnel!

Turn back now, escape this black funnel


Only I can see the path down you are going

Quit all your wanders, your questions, your roaming

You’re tossing your souls to the wind like a flake

You’re making the grandest and worstest mistake

Can’t you feel him? He’s coming! He’s racing your way!

I keep warning you run but relentless you stay


After this wild night, you will learn, you will see

Your thoughts will be taken away with he

To a trunk, in a tree, underneath where he sleeps

And he’ll open it only when his brain may need

To search for inspire and fire to feed

His restless desire to squire a seed

Deep in your chest, in your veins, where you bleed


Darlings, please, trust me


Follow me now and return to the light

Or stay in this Hell and dissolve out of sight

Reliving this second and knowing how right

I was when I told you to sprint from the night


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