- i'm so vain -

Here I am

You're welcome

I know

You've been waiting

I am what you want

I'm everything you've hoped for

That person you dream of

When you're curled up in down

I'm sitting on the wall

Of your 13 year-old self

Staring you down

With a smile

That's all too coy

What's more

I've been called brilliant

And dashing

And 'What a sharp young man!'

More than a few times

I've been told

I resemble Leto

Or Gosling

Or Karl Goddamn Marx

Oh believe me I know

That my shit doesn't stink

Because I'm such a fine trickster

You'll never notice

That I'm running off every few minutes

To cover my face

With this cream

That will forever hide

Every weakness

Every doubt

You can't break my stride

Because I appear invincible

And people believe it!

It's astounding

I know

They think, 'What an asshole'

'He thinks he's so fly'

But sadly

You're wrong

I know

What I am

I know

Exactly what I am

And I know

The role I play

And I choose it so finely

So delicately

I'm the most attentive

To the finest of details

And you love it

You eat it up

Like granny's steaming hot pie

You can't get enough

And you hate it

You compliment me

With reluctance

But why then

Don't you hate

Your dear old grandmother too?

Does she not feed you

In hopes of pleasing you?

To cause you happiness

And she gets joy from it

Believe me

She does

I know

She does it for everyone

Including herself

For you

For me

For life

And so do I

This isn't a farce

This is what I choose to be

For you

For me

For life

I don't want your compliments

I know

I want your hand

Your love

And nothing else

So crown me king

Or string me up

Raise me to the heavens

Flatten me on the pavement

But remember

It's your choice

You'll have to live with it

Choose with care

Or dare

To follow the wrong path

Either way

I'll be here



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