(press play below)

I dunno. I guess the thing is that I don’t feel very strongly about anything in particular. But that’s really a result of feeling much too strongly about everything. How can we be expected to have sturdy opinions or take sides or “hold truths to be self-evident” when everything is so chaotic? I dig this world. I want it all. If I spend enough time talking to anyone about something they really care about deep down in their core, I’ll start to care about it too, just because I’m in awe of their devotion; their certainty. It’s all changing so fast; it’s so volatile; so transient. In a world like this, I don’t feel like I have the power to claim I know any thing for sure, to label something, to be anything…

A note to visitors: 

I would like you to note - within my note - that I have referred to you as visitors and not readers.  That's because the majority of the work that you will find on this site was written for the purpose of spoken word and - in many cases - I would not have included the words if not for a desire to enable you to follow along if you so choose.  Thus, I have gone to great lengths to perfect the readings of these pieces:  practicing aloud as I walk around cities, confusing people on trains, frightening children, forcing friends to listen to me recite them over and over, speaking to walls in my apartment... 

So...please do not make it that my efforts were in vain...sit back...close your eyes...relieve them from that shiny white screen...and simply listen...